Saturday, December 31, 2005

Christmas Day - Various Photos

Baby Chase hangs out on the couch!

Ellis and Miles plays with trains

Listening to Grammie play Christmas songs

Ellis received this present from Santa!!

Grammie and Grumpie play with Ellis!!

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning brought in big waves and big winds. At times the sun was trying to peak through but mostly was shadowed by clouds. Along with strong winds came no power. We spent Christams day and night by candlelight. We cooked in the Grumpies small travel trailer. Grammie played her new piano to the propane Coleman lattern. And we read stories to the boys by a flashlight. Below is a picture of Grumpie showing Ellis the big waves. Emma went along to make sure no one fell in.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Train

We have started a new tradition this year. Thanks to Auntie Kristen and Uncle Craig they came up with this great plan to stay in Vancouver with the entire family and go on the Christmas Train in Stanley Park. It was so great to watch Ellis and cousin Miles together. The Park was filled with thousands of lights and you could hear Christmas music everywhere. We stayed at a wonderful hotel which was right across from the beach. It made for great walks and wonderful conversations. Miles and Ellis played in the leaves, watched boats go by with Grammie and Grumpie and of course threw rocks into the water. The third day that we were there, we took a water taxi to Granville Island. We were not able to stay very long as Ellis was in desperate need for a nap and so was Mom. But we were able to go to Story time with Santa and sang Christmas songs. It was a great time and we are already looking forward to next year.

Friday, December 23, 2005

November Snow

One of my favorite photos. Pete took this photo at night during our first snowfall of the year. (November) This picture was taken off our front porch.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Ellis Winston

Two Years Old!!

Ellis is growing like a weed. He is starting to talk in sentences, which for me is way to fast. When other Moms would tell me, it goes by so fast...they were not kidding!!! Where did the 2 years go? His favorite characters are Elmo and Pooh. He loves to dance and play drums with his Dad. We are working on his manners and he seems to be doing quite well with it. He says "Thank You" without any reminders. I am enjoying while it lasts. He also will say the occasional swear word; as he is in the stage of copying everything that anyone says. Ellis has been a true blessing to us. He reminds me of what is important. It is hard to remain at a high level of stress when He points out that the Moon is the coolest thing in the world or when he does a happy dance for a cup of juice. He is a daily reminder of what true love is.