Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Christmas Train

Our 2nd annual Christmas Train adventure was a hit! Although, the weather was dark and rainy we enjoyed ourselves just the same. However, we were lucky that it did not rain when it was time to ride the train. Ellis just loves this trip. Of course anytime that he is surround by family other then Pete and I he is in heaven. I guess we can get "old" sometimes. You know like yesterdays news.

We had a great time. The gals chose not to go shopping this year in Vancouver. The weather kind of put a damper on it and we were all too tired. We spent a lot of time in Grumpie and Grammies room, reading books, playing hide and seek and feeding a certain Seagull cookies from their window.

Christmas Play

Well Ellis was in his first Christmas Play. It had to be about the cutest thing I have ever seen. He was a Shepherd and had one line he had to memorize.... "lets go see the baby". He managed well. He was nervous at times as this was the first time he had a church full of people stare at him and his classmates. Sometimes he would not sing and just stare right back at us. We were joined by Grumpie, Auntie Kristen, Miles, Chase, Unlce Lucas and Auntie Elissa. Miles was cute watching Ellis. At one point during a quiet moment he yelled out " Hi Ellis" was great. Maybe Ellis will grow up and be in Drama...he certainly has the personality for it. He has tons of facial expressions. I am told that he gets that from me. He doesn't have to do very much to make us laugh. He seems to always have an angle on something.