Thursday, July 24, 2008

Golf Tournament

Ellis played in a golf tournament. Thanks to Uncle Koby, Ellis took lessons this summer and finished up last weekend. He did really well. We were joined by Grammie and Grumpie. We are quite proud of him and how he has turned out to be such a pleasant little guy. I wish that we could have caught some of his facial expressions. There was one instance, where Ellis had gotten up to T-off when one of little boys,Logan started to whine. Ellis looked over his shoulder, with his eyebrows raised and a stared at Logan with this look.."like excuse me...I am trying to concentrate". Grammie and I had a good laugh, even though Ellis was taking it quite seriously. They learn at such a young age!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Soccer Night

Ellis is enjoying soccer every Tuesday and Thursday. Ellis loves to be out there with other kids. Although, I think that he enjoys the activities he is enrolled in, I can't help but think he would rather just hang out with them and talk. He is such a social guy!! We are also finding that it keeps us very busy and as you can see sometimes very tiring. But we love it! Ellis will be finishing up golf this Saturday with a little tournament. So, that will be one less activity for awhile. I guess it will be time to start working on the house~~

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Truth, Lies and Chase

Well, last night we had a very interesting talk with the boy. Yesterday we had his cousin Miles over to play. This is always a great treat for the boys. Anyway, we noticed later on that the floor register was not its spot and the heating system was exposed. We did all the parental things that we know...Begin by asking questions.

Dad: Ellis, who moved it?
Ellis: Hmmmm...I don't know
Dad: Did you put something down the hole (heating system)?
Ellis: Hmmmm...maybe Miles did...I think..I can't remember.
Dad: Did you do it, did you put something down is important to tell the truth.
Ellis: Hmmmm...I am..ugh...maybe a car, oh no...wait maybe this (a card from his view slider)...WELL...maybe Scarloley.
Ellis starts to look nervous.
Dad: Ellis, you are not going to get in trouble, you just have to tell the truth and don't put anything down the hole.

Meanwhile I am getting his stuff ready for a bed. Every night Ellis has "snuggle" time with me. We talk about the day and what his favorite part was and say our prayers. He comes bouncing into my bed. And then our conversations begins:

Ellis: Mom...I'm sorry I moved the thing.
Mom: That's ok but you need to tell the truth. Do you know what the truth means.
Mom: How about honesty - do you know what that means?
Ellis: (What the heck was I thinking - if he doesn't know what truth was how do i expect him to know the word honesty. So I try a different word.
Mom: you know what a lie is?
Ellis: As he puts his hand to his forehead and rolls his eyes..."MOM..this is a lot of hard work to figure this all out... Those are big words!"

5 minutes later...he interupts me saying something.

Ellis: know what I think it might have been Chase (LIE!!!) SO BUSTED!!
Mom: Well, honey Chase is at home resting from his surgery. So it couldn't be him.
Ellis: Well, MOM...Chas is a VERY Curious boy!! (he states with such authority and his eyebows raised)
You see...Chase like to throw things and he likes to jump on things. He can also go down the hole (heater vent)...he is THIN!!

It dawned on me that I have no idea how to explain to a 4 year old about truth and lies. So, off to the library I go...AGAIN!!

Friday, July 04, 2008