Monday, May 29, 2006

Skit to Sea Weekend

Wow. What a full weekend we all had! We met up with Cousin Miles, Cousin Chase and Auntie Kristen for the Grand Parade. We are so blessed to live where we do. The draft horses were at the end of the block. Ellis just loved it. Although, I think he was somewhat confused as to why there were such big horses next to his house. The boys loved the parade, mostly they got a kick out of the firetrucks. Ellis spent a lot of time clapping and saying hi to all the girls in the parade. I don't know if there is anything cuter then a 2 year old saying "hi girls" and then wave. I guess he gets that from his Dad. We came home for a nap, then we were off to a BBQ at the bosses house. Ellis had a great time, as there entire play room is practically as big as our kitchen and dining room. He was so wound up when we got him home that he was not able to calm down until 11pm. We are still not back on track with his sleep schedule. Sunday morning, we got up and went down to Fairhaven. We stopped and had breakfast and Avenue bread. We then ventured into the new toy store where Ellis was in awe over a marble maze. We then went and said good morning to Uncle Craig at the shoe store. There was a lot to see and eat.

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