Saturday, October 20, 2007

Celebrating 4 years!!

Tomorrow we are celebrating Ellis' 4th b'day. We will be out of town on the 28th, so we are having a b'day party a week early. I was watching Ellis today and I can't belive that he will be 4!! We have had him for 4 years!! I can't imagine what my life would be without him. Heck, one has to wonder what I was doing with my time before him!?! Life has changed but for the better. There is so much more to live for. I went shopping for presents tonight. I had no idea what to get him. It is funny because for the first 2 years we pretty much did not buy him anything, well except for clothes. Now I think that he has everything a 4 year old needs. I was looking at older pics and can not belive the difference in his face. But yet there are so much similarities. He still is the cutest kid I now!!

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