Monday, March 06, 2006


Well, we did it! Or I should say Ellis did it. We are 7 days bink free. I know that this is an old picture but I could not resist. It is one of my favorites. It just shows off his personality.
I was surprised how well Ellis did with this transition. I was anticipating some major break down. The first night that I decided to take it away, we went through our nightly routine and then he asked for his bink. I almost gave it to him. Because for those of you who have met and know him....know that this bright blue eyes can convince you to do anything. But I stuck to it and told him that Bink went "bye bye". He looked at me all perplexed by this concept. He then looked at me and said "Bye-Bye????" And I told him yes Bink went on an wild adventure and had to leave. He then said "OK"! And that was it! He just somehow got it and was ok with Bink being on a wild adventure. The funny thing is I think that Pete and I are the one that struggles with it the most. First, it is only a reminder of how he is getting bigger. Secondly, he took a pretty big fall at Nanna's and Gramps and I for one split second thought that it would soothe him. But amazingly enough as all kids he recovered and then was on his way.

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