Monday, April 24, 2006


We spent Easter on Camano Island with Grammie and Grumpie. We arrived in the morning and spent the entire day at the Cabin. Ellis helped Grammie weed her Garden, played with Grammies new Dump Truck and threw lots of rocks on the beach. Cousin Miles arrived around 4pm and we were able to have our Easter egg hunt. The boys were so excited!! Uncle Craig had put cookies in the eggs, which made the boys look even harder. Miles wore the Construction Hat all day which was rather cute since he has a slight aversion to hats in general. We think that it is his new love for Bob the Builder that has sparked this interest. It is so wonderful to see the boys play together. Their personalities just seem to be a perfect balance. They do so well together. We are still working on "sharing" but for the most part they do awesome. It is nice that they have gotten to an age where we can just let them play without litte interception. Ellis is really blessed to have a cousin so close in age. I look forward to watching them grow up together.

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