Monday, June 19, 2006

Away from Home

I was recently away on a trip to Indiana for work. At first I thought it would be a breeze as I was with Koby. I was not prepared for the emptiness I felt at night being away from Ellis. Last year I was gone a lot so I thought it would be no big deal. Sure... I knew I would miss the boy like I had done every time before but this time my heart was aching. I wondered was it because I love him more each day or is it because he is an extension of who I am. I don't have an answer really. But what is different this year is that I have a relationship wtih him. Not like he is a baby and he just needs me for necessity. The dynamics are changing. He is a little boy, with his own thoughts, ideas and oh my does he have a big personality. At first, I found myself even thinking...oh, being away will be a nice break from life". That thought lasted maybe 24 hours. I see myself as an independent person, so it took me by surprise when I was overwhelmed with sadness to not hug him, kiss him and talk with him. He is my life, my love and my joy. are truly one special little miracle. Thank you for being mine!
So while I was away going through so much turmoil missing my boy, he was having a great time with Daddy at Grammi and Grumpies house. Here are a few shots of what they did. Ellis had his first ice cream cone, threw rocks in the water for Buddah and took a boat trip to Langley. He loves to spend time on the beach. It is one of his favorite things to do. And right now, rocks are the coolest things ever.

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