Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Sucker Con Artist we are not officially potty training Ellis yet. However, we bought him a little potty and he has been successful at it a couple of times. We decided that we were going to take the whole reward route. His reward was going to be a little sucker. Ellis does not eat much sugar as it is-due to all of his we thought what the heck! So far this has resutled in a total of 4 suckers over the last 4 months. So we are averaging 1 "poopy in the potty" a month. Well, the other night Ellis decides that he wants a sucker. So he says "mommy...i wanna sucker"... and I tell him "first, poopy in the potty" and "second a sucker". He says "ok"! Ellis runs to the bathroom and starts pulling his pants off. I help him get his diaper off and he looks at me with his big blues and huge smile and says " ok...mommy....sucker time". Of course I reminded him again "Ellis....first you need to poopy in the potty and second you will get a sucker". This dialogue goes on for about a half hour. I leave the bathroom to do something in the living room and he comes out buck naked and says to me "mommy...first a sucker and second..poopy in the potty"! Well, needless to say he never had to go poopy in the potty and somehow he thought that I would miss that important piece. It is amazing even at 2 1/2 years old Ellis is trying to con his Mom out of a sucker.

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