Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Boardwalk

We have a new ritual that we do as a family. We walk the boardwalk on Friday nights. It has been heaven. If anyone has walked it, they know when I say it doesn't feel like you are in Bellingham. Bellingham has gotten so big. Along with this bittersweet movement, we also receive more community activites and involvement. We are starting to take advantage of it. Pete and I have been stuck in the home rut. There seems like there is something to always be done here at the home, so we don't take advantage of our home town. Now that we have Ellis, it has forced us to look at our lives a lot differently. It is a wonderful feeling. Pete is getting into Photography and does an awesome job with it as you can see with some of his photos.
Can You believe this is even Bellingham?
Me and one of my favorite Girls!

A cool picture taken by Pete

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