Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fall is here!

Fall has finally arrived! We are trying to get our last few days in outside before it turns cold and rainy. We have been very busy. In the last few weeks Pete, Ellis and I went to Chelan, then Ellis and I went to Oregon and then a few days after I was off to New Mexico. I am glad that there are no other trips planned in the near future. As I was in New Mexico Pete and Ellis went to Gramps and Nanna's. Nanna taught Ellis how to use a computer mouse and he has been playing non-stop on the computer. He will barely take a break to go to the bathroom. I must admit though, I am pretty impressed with his skills. Preschool is going very well. He loves it! And his teachers report that they just can't believe how old he is and how well behaved he is. It is such a great feeling when other people can validate your child and parenting skills. As a parent, I am constantly questioning myself. Am I doing the right thing, am I raising him the right way.....Pete and I are doing something right because he is such an awesome boy. He always has a smile, something silly to say or give us one of his looks. He goes straight to the heart.

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