Monday, September 11, 2006


I can't believe it! Today Ellis had his first day of preschool. It happened so quickly. I was crying on the way out while Pete was singing the song "Freedom" in his head. Of course it is natural for Pete to have that reaction as he is the one that has been taking care of him during this time in the day. Me....I am working and as to why I was so emotional over it was purely because I don't want him to get any bigger. Next thing you know he is going to ask the keys for the car! In any event, I am so excited for him. His class size is 10 which is awesome. More teacher time! There is a pet bunny named Olie. And of course many toys to play with. He came home with a magnet that he colored and a blue card. A blue card means he had a great day...a nice way of saying he was not a problem child. I can't think of a better set up for Ellis. There are only 2 girls in his class and Ellis happens to be the youngest. But we think that he can handle it. Oh and we just love his teacher, Kelly. Well, we have entered another chapter of his life and we are excited to watch him turn into such a loving, caring and fun little boy. First day of school.

Trinity Lutheran Preschool

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