Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Getting back to reality!!!

Well, we are back in B'ham. It is cold, wet and dark. Winters are so hard here. Every year we try to brainstorm on activities we could be doing to get us through. However, it still is a struggle. I think that Pete and I were made to be in warm weather. We were so active, up early every morning and most of all our moods were great. The highlight was coming back to our little guy. Although, he had quite the adventure at Gramps and Nanna's he was thrilled to be back home with us and "his Allie and Emma". He asked if we could put up the christmas tree. So we did. It is early as we have not even approached Thanksgiving yet but I must admit it is a nice addition to our home. Ellis is doing great with his alphabet and numbers. We are now working on a little bit of spelling. So far he knows how to spell "go and dog". He seems to always be looking for a challenge.

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