Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Indecent Exposure!

Ellis has turned over a new leaf. We are not to sure why but he has become rather comfortable pulling his pants down in public. The first case was a few weeks ago when Uncle Koby took him on a little trip to Fred Meyers. Apparently Ellis was a few steps behind Koby. Koby turned around to only find Ellis peeing in the flower pots. Of course Koby had a discussion with him about it but I don't think that it settled in.
On Thursday, I took Ellis to the Doctor. He received 2 shots. One on each leg. The nurse gave him yellow band aids. We went to the store afterwards, as Ellis wanted to buy a Christmas ornament for his tree. He did so well at the Doctor, so what the heck - off we went. While we were in line at the store, I turned my back on Ellis to grab something from the shelf. In a matter of seconds I hear some women laughing. So I turn back around and to my dismay I was looking at my son's bare butt!! He had pulled his pants down to his ankles and was bending over. I calmly asked him what he was doing. He had found a yellow tag from a box on the floor. He was convinced that that the yellow tag was his one of his band aids. He was checking each leg to make sure. I showed him it was just another tag and everyone was happy.....Ellis pulled his pants back up, the ladies had a little chuckle..and well, me - what can you say. A band aid apparently is important at the age of 4! Who can blame him???

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