Monday, February 11, 2008

Boys Vs. Girls

Well, the time has come. Ellis is interested in the differences between boys and girls. I feel like this is WAY to early to have this discussion with him. One day last week I was coming out of the bathroom and there was Ellis. He stops me and then pulls down his pants and points to his penis. He asks "mommy...why don't you go potty like this"? Well, I have to say I was not expecting this? I said "well, girls don't have "one of those". The funny thing was I could not even bring myself to say the word penis. I must have a hang-up with word. He then proceeds towards me and says "LET ME SEE" his hand is reaching out to pull my pants down. HOLY did this happen so quickly. I have been more concerned with how he holds a pencil!! Since this little conversation, I have consulted with a few people including the Nurse on staff. I ask her if this is something that I can ignore. She says no way...I look for a compromise and ask how about for another month or so? Of course, I find that I am the one that needs a month to prepare, read and figure out how we are going to discuss this little part of life. I am told by the nurse if I ignore it, he will be the one kid on the play ground pulling his pants down and trying to pull maybe even other girls pants down to see the differences. Well, we know from Ellis' history that he is not shy of pulling his pants down. Case in point..remember when he decided to pull his pants down in Fred Meyer and then peed in the planters. So, here I am with my books from the library, nervously looking and reading them and wondering where is my little boy???

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