Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mommy has a VAJ-J!

Well, the saga had continued until this last Wednesday evening with Ellis and his fascination with the opposite sex. Upon my arrival, Ellis came storming out of his room to give me what I thought was going to be his standard greeting. It usually goes something like this..."Mommmyyyyyy....your home. I sure missed you today". Sometimes I will even get "how was your day"? But not this night.He had a much better greeting!

He came running out of his room and I was greeted with " Mooommmyyyy...can I see your pee pee"? WOW~ My response was "go talk to your Dad"...Now some of you may think that is a cheap way of getting out of the talk and sure maybe I need therapy over the fact that I have a hard time with saying the word penis. However, I like to think of it as delegation to the appropriate parent with the most experience in this area. And that would be Pete. He grew up in a household of "free to be you and me". Me...well, I didn't even know that boys were different then girls until I was about 13. Maybe it was 12. And BOY did that gross me out. Ok....lets back on track.

Needless, to say in the end I WAS the one that broke out the story books to read with Ellis while Pete was on the computer I am sure laughing at the whole situation. We read our books, discussed what he wanted to call it. He likes the term pee pee which I think is great. The book brought up quite a few things of interest. One, is it talked about how everyone has a bum, well the book said anus. Again, another term that is just weird. In our house we call it bungus. I believe we got that term from one of Pete's old friends. We talked about how we all have a bungus and we sit on our bungus. Immediately, my very observant son states and FOR POOPING OUT OF!! Yes, son it is for pooping out of.

The book refered to little girls as having Vulvas. And of course as any good mother would do...I just read straight out of the book word for word...hoping there would not be to many questions afterwards. When we were done reading Ellis went and said "Dad...mommmy has a Vulva". Well, guess what folks Pete has a hang up with words too. Yes..I feel somewhat normal out of all this. After Ellis had a conversation with his Dad, he came and found me and said " don't have a have a VAJ-J".

Of course at this time, I could no longer hold in my laughs. As you all know Ellis has about 101 facial expressions to go with every statement he makes. There is something to be learned by all of us here. One, Ellis is learning about girls. Two, I am learning how to get over my hangups. Third, who cares if you call it a penis, hotdog, turtle or a pee pee. As long as you have the talk, you are being a good parent. We had the talk and I feel good about it. After the talk he was not shy or devestated in anyway. In fact, he said "Thanks Mom for reading me my new book" and off he went to play with his trains. It was much easier then I thought UNTIL a half hour later. He comes out of his room, takes a look at me, puts his hands on his hips, cocks his head to the side and with he little eyebrows raised he says " Mommy, can I play with my pee pee"?

Another question, with another answer for another day!

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