Saturday, May 03, 2008

A "FRY-day"

Wow. What a day and I am so glad that it is over. Ellis and I started our day out by going through the normal routines. One of our routines of course is to let the girls out. This morning had a whole new meaning to this function. After 2 seconds of them being in the back yard, we heard a lot of squawking from birds. I look out the back window to only find that they have come under attack by a family of Blue jays. As I went out to get the girls, they came after me. Nothing wakes you up in the morning, like a bird taking a dive bomb to your head. It turns out that the babies were in our court yard learning to fly. However, we became hostages in our own home. The moment I would walk out of the door they would come flying at us with full speed. I called for back-up and Koby came over to assist. Alas, they went after him also. He end up walking around the block to get the car so I could take Ellis to school. With all the commotion, I guess I forgot to zip and button Ellis jeans. So, apparently they fell down to his knees shortly after I dropped him off. I then went off to the Chiropractor to adjust me because I took a stumble down the stairs at the beginning of this week. I think that he did more damage then help as my pain continues to monumental levels. While I was waiting to see the "back killer", I was feeling a headache coming on the left side of my head near the ear. I pushed on my ear and the weirdest squishing sound was happening. Clearly, this was not normal. It was only 10:30 in the morning and I had not even finished my first cup of coffee. I was ready for the day to end already. Well, I couldn't go into the weekend with this thing going on with my ear. I called my Detention Nurse and thankfully she was still in. I halled Ellis up to Detention while she irrigated my ear and sure enough a huge piece of cotton was lodged in my ear. It is now 1:00 in the morning and I am still waiting for this day to end. Funny how that works!

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