Monday, November 17, 2008

5 years old!

Ellis has turned 5! It truly is going by way to fast. He seems to be growing so much in the last few months. We changed schools and it has been amazing for him. He has been learning so much. The transition was a little hard on him but he has made many friends. It just makes me smile so much when I drop him off and the kids are so excited to see him. He seems to have charmed the girls somewhat. There is one little girl named Kylie. One morning when we arrived, she was standing there with her doll and yells out " Ellis...I am still going to marry you"! Ellis just kind of smiled and walked past her. He was a tad bit embarrassed but it was so darn cute. His other friend, John has told him that "girls are dumb" so we are going to have to figure that one out. When I asked Ellis if he thought that was true..he said yes except for Mommy and Kylie. So at least I got that going for me!

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