Wednesday, August 30, 2006


We did it! Well, Ellis really did it since he truly was the one in control of this process. But I am proud to announce he is Potty Trained. This is a huge deal. We had one day that was frustrating for many reasons. One of those being standard potty training issues...the other was me. For those of you that know me I have a really small bladder as it is and one of the techniques we used was to have running water in the background. Well, this just seem to really back fire on me, as everytime that the water ran I had to go myself. So needless to say we BOTH spent the day in the bathroom. I am so proud of Ellis. I thought that it was going to be a lot harder but he never ceases to amaze us and his capability to step up to the plate. He now loves the idea of going "peeps" in particular. I would imagine there must be something freeing about being a boy and standing up to pee...rather then in a diaper. We are getting ready to send him to Preschool. This is such a bittersweet process. We think that he is ready and needs it. He loves to learn and interact with other kids. I took a tour of the preschool and I cried. It is so amazing to me that I can get emotional over the process of him growing up. On one hand it is exciting to watch him grow and then on the other I realize that this is just another stage in life....and in some ways it saddens me. But it is all worth it to see his excitement. He is a great kid and I have no doubt that he will touch many lives.

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